Advanced Dental Technology
utilized by Raabe Family Dentistry


CEREC (CERamic REContstruction) is a dental restoration product that allows your dentist to produce an indirect ceramic dental restoration using a variety of computer assisted technologies, including 3D photography and CAD/CAM. With CEREC, your teeth can be restored in a single, rather than the multiple sittings required with earlier techniques. Additionally, with the latest software and hardware updates, crowns, veneers, onlays and inlays can be prepared using different types of ceramic materials.

Custom Ceramics lab

Our in-house ceramic laboratory gives us the ability to apply custom stain and characterization to our crowns and veneers. This allows precise matching of existing teeth, making the restoration look more natural. Adding glaze gives the restoration the high-gloss that simply polishing can’t achieve. Firing the stain and glaze in our vacuum sealed ceramic oven creates long lasting and durable aesthetics.

Diode Laser

With many different applications, the diode laser is one of the most exciting tools available to laser dentistry practices. This revolutionary technology allows dentists to treat patients with great precision, meaning less pain and quicker healing. Diode lasers can be used in several cosmetic dentistry procedures as well as treatment of periodontal (gum) disease.

In the diode laser, energy is focused at the site of a semiconductor embedded inside a crystal. This energy is then transmitted via a flexible optical fiber to a handheld unit used by the dentist during treatment. The laser’s power can be finely adjusted to perform a wide variety of procedures more safely and comfortably than ever before.

VELscope Oral Cancer Detection

VELscope is cutting edge cancer screening technology that uses natural tissue fluorescence to discover abnormalities in the oral mucosa. The VELscope is an extremely effective aid for discovering and defining the extent of a wide range of mucosal abnormalities, including oral cancer. Importantly, VELscope helps you discover problems before they can be seen with a typical visual exam. Since many oral cancers cannot be seen until they are quite advanced, this allows earlier treatment and more favorable prognosis.

DIAGNOdent Laser

DIAGNOdent is the revolutionary new way to find even the smallest areas of tooth decay. By using this new technology, Raabe Family Dentistry is able to resolve any small cavities before they turn into larger issues that require more complicated procedures.

Intraoral Camera

An Intraoral Camera is a tiny camera that is moved around the inside of your mouth. This will provide you with a tooth by tooth video exam of your teeth so you can see your teeth enlarged in living color on our computer screen in the treatment room. We can freeze and store the picture of the inside of your mouth for a bigger and better look and then take an instant photograph for you and your records.

Power Tooth Whitening

Power Whitening is designed to reach deep into the tooth enamel and remove stains that previously could not be reached—without affecting the structure of the tooth. It is, without doubt, the most powerful whitening system ever devised. The first step uses a special gel that is applied to your teeth. The active ingredient in the whitening gel is similar to hydrogen peroxide, which can be activated by Sinsational Smile lamp. During the tooth whitening process, the patient can recline comfortably and listen to music or simply relax. The procedure only takes about an hour and results in teeth that are up to eight shades brighter. Sometimes, during this visit molds are taken of your teeth so that a set of custom-fabricated trays can be made. These trays are the key to the success and power of the system. If you have tried over the counter whitening products before, these are not the same. A tight seal forms with your gumline to prevent leakage of whitening solution. Different products can be used at home during the day or night which will continue to further whiten your teeth, and should be saved to “touch up” the effect if your teeth show discoloration in the future.

Digital X-rays

A profound advancement in dental care has been the advent of digital radiography. X-rays of your mouth can be taken with a tiny fraction of the x-ray exposure of traditional film, viewed instantly, and enhanced in many ways on the computer screen to allow better diagnosis and easier viewing for the patient. Additionally, digital x-rays avoid the toxic chemicals that are used to develop film x-rays and is hazardous when disposed of. Dr. Raabe realized the clear advantages of this technology and was among the first dentists to invest and train in this application.


Isolite is a dual benefit for patient comfort as well as speed and quality of a dental procedure. Unlike conventional lighting, Isolite puts the light source inside the mouth. It also has a soft rubber rest to effortlessly hold the patient’s mouth open and has a vacuum to remove excess saliva from the mouth.

Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA)

JVA is a technology for non-invasive, painless analysis of the jaw joints’ health. Joint Vibration Analysis is based on simple principles of motion and friction: Smooth, well lubricated surfaces in a proper biomechanics relationship produce little friction and little vibration. But surface changes, such as those caused by degeneration, tears, or displacements of the disk, generally produce friction and vibration. Different disorders can produce different vibration patterns or “signatures”. This computer-assisted vibration analysis helps identify these patterns and helps our doctors distinguish among various temporomandibular disorders.


We are continuously updating our technology that magnifies and illuminates the procedures we do. We know that the ability to see fine detail makes our restorations higher quality and longer lasting.